We have a lot of great articles about custom motorcycles that we hope you find interesting. We’ve got a bit of everything, from tips on buying a motorcycle without getting ripped off, to building your own custom motorcycle, to some of the modifications you can do to improve the performance of your custom motorcycle.
Ayyub Russell, the Guy from Dubai, few months back shared with us about his Custom Bobber project, we were same excited as he was cause we love bobber a little extra than other geners. Well, apart from building of this beautiful Bobber, he has also shared a useful detailed story of his complete work, how he had modified his Royal Enfield Machismo, Over to him :
It has taken 2 seemingly long years to finally have this build come together as I envisioned. I spent many months researching custom and bobber bikes, the history of stripping down a bike, and the various styles both historically and contemporary. I was especially inspired by some Royal Enfield custom bikes, specifically builders like Ian Berry at Falcon Motorycles, and Vijay at Rajputana Custom Motorcycles. I send out my thanks to them and others for their work and inspiration.
It took me several months to find the right person to work with me on this project. I finally landed at Motorcycle City in Dubai where I met Edward.
I shared many images and designs with Edward, and we talked through different aspects to the build. Had I a personal workshop and access to certain machinery and tools I would not have had the opportunity to work with someone like Edward, it is different working on design with someone else, as it creates new ideas and ways of seeing (something I am actually used to in a teaching environment). Anyhow, we didn’t always agree on the same direction, but that is what made it interesting. I will say that he took some creative liberties that turned out very nice!
It has been in process for 3 months now. We had to wait on various parts to arrive from abroad, as well as, the fact that Edward has other projects and repairs to do at MC. All of the parts were either fabricated or purchased online (Gotta enjoy ebay!).
Here are a list of parts:
6″ stretch hardtail; Tail-light/plate bracket; foot peg bracket; oil tank/batter casing; brake lever; headlamp brackets; speedo bracket; rear mudguard and stays; plate cover under seat; front disc/caliper bracket; muffler.
Lucas Headlamp; leather seat; mini-turn signal; chain tensioner; vintage circa 1940’s replica front springer; handle bars; Lucas tail light; Smith speedo; copper ring for headlamp leather saddle bag (I had to modify/cut and resew bag to fit).
Lets Get STARTED!!!
Swing arm removed and time to start cutting.
The hardtail mock-up
Primary weld is completed and oil tank housing is in place. The bike has a nice clearance now, should be lower when the new front springer arrives and is installed.
Edward having a seat
Rear mud guard and stays build, creative liberty by Edward as it was not in the original design, my first reaction was: “what!” However it grew on me… nicely done.
New Lucas Tail Light, where to place it? The original design had it on the rear hardtail, but need to make sure.
I think it is best as originally planned, on the side in pic below.
Mock up of tail light and plate bracket, looking good!
Turn Signals, again trying out another location, but they will work best I think in the original location on the hardtail frame.
My new seat finally arrived, I had it down to 3 final seat designs and different colors, but finally decided on this one. I think it looks good.
The front springer fork has finally arrived. I love the way the packed it; came in its own aluminum carrying case snuggled into a form fitting foam interior. I really like the green and have been thinking of painting the full frame green. My original color scheme does include green, but not sure of going all green, probably stay with the matt black frame.
The new headlight had now arrived, a bit larger than I thought but it still looks good! Masha’allah.
A little break in the work, about three weeks has passed with only a little completed, busy time at MC. The frame was sent out to get painted and it has also taken some time.
Ok, here are some new pics of the bike taken November 21 2011. We are getting close to completion and should have the bike on the road by the end of this month, insha’allah.
The bike has returned from the painters, and the handle bars are in place. Here are a few pics as I wait on getting the painting done on the tank… decided to keep a bit of the original paint job in tact. Especially after seeing the hand paint job done on the tank in a youtube video, those guys are amazing at Royal Enfield in India.
Bag. I had to make a few adjustments because it was a bit too big. Will do some more detail work later. I plan to also sew some leather foot peg covers and maybe hand grips if I cant find the right sized brass grips.As purchased. Back, thanks to the guys at my favorite car repair shop ‘Solar Power’ in Mussafah industrial, they do good work and always
very affordable.
I am using a nice matt ‘PU-Army green’, black and copper. The copper color is from the original paint job, as I mentioned I wanted to keep a bit of the original paint as homage to the incredible hand painters over at Royal Enfield in India.
It is December 1st 2011. The final work is being done this week, specifically the wiring. Edward has suggested we tuck as much wiring as we can inside the frame, and I agree. Also too many wires at the front, so he needs to cut and re-arrange. If you notice there no indicators for neutral or turn signals anymore. We will need to deal with this somehow. Edward has suggested we put them into the headlight, small bulbs on either side of the amp indicator. Sounds ok, although would rather have them closer to the speedo.
So, getting ever so closer to completion… I am ready to take it out while the weather is still beautiful. Need to solve the front brake situation, final wiring, the two mentioned indicators, and some final copper coating of several engine elements, handlebar nuts, the levers, seat coils, gas cap. I am also going to purchase a pair of copper coated hand grips, insha’allah.
There you have it! Hope to have it on the road in the next two weeks, insha’allah.
Dec 5, 2011; bike all wired. Chain ‘tensioner’ arrived yesterday! Also have my new logo created for tank; logo and a mock-up on the bike.
I picked up the tank from ‘solar power’ after the repaint. I used an olive green, and I also did the helmet to match. I think it looks good, certainly it is unique!
Edward got the chain tensioner on, and finished the exhaust. I was wanting a nice muffler guard, made of wood… but opted for a metal guard with brass bolts.
December 18, 2011
The bike is finally HOME!!!
I picked up the bike yesterday and got it home last night, it was a day full of many tests and interesting and helpful people, and in the end it all worked out well, alhamdulillah.
Ok, so here is the bike… one final touch is to add my ‘logo’, still not sure on the above design, so will play around with a few more ideas.
Notice the new Olive Green tank!
Here a Nice Video
Photography, Story courtesy: Russell Ayyub
Beautiful and amazing color! but hard to build one for myself here in India, dont have much online stores to buy parts the way you did. How was the expense in Dollar there???
greAt man! you worked finer than a hardcore professional bike builder…!
the bike looks a bit long in length…..does it? overall this one is a beauti <3
this is really awesome! can anyone tell me approx price of a springier fork (in india) and where can i buy one?
feel good to see these world wide crazy in love Royal lovers.
awesome work! looks so classic! just an idea,,,,would it look weird if you use a cover below the seat..??? looks a little bit empty there over the chain..! if i was you i must had done something there,..
great on…..
how dose the springer has to be set as mine is hard and dose not work well on the speed breaker and ditches….r ruh road… the spring effect is not there
Mashaallah.. good work ,,,,,,,,by the way …The fork is girder not springer
Hi all, i own a 1968 G2 Royal enfield 350 in India which has been modified to a chopper style bike by the previous owner. I would like to restore it exactly same as the show room condition. Any body can advise me on this with some pictures, parts and stores where i can get those?
Awssum mahn!!!!