Q: How do you make a hormone? A: Refuse to pay her. Pretty Funny? Well let’s get excited not in an exotic way, so far we talk about only Motorcycle, that’s so obvious you don’t expect us to post an article on orgasm. Save the love for the girls and move on to our topic, Motorcycle and to build them in a way you dream last night. Yes, Hormone makes Bikes. Hormone Motorcycles is a Custom Bike designing and building company in Bangalore. “We merely don’t customise, but consult and customise as per our customers need, at the same time that best suits their personality. That is the whole philosophy of Hormone Motorcycles” , said the Hormone guy. Sunil, an advertising Creative Director by profession, knew he had stumbled upon his calling, when he was handling the advertising for Royal Enfield. Those big, mean, macho two wheelers threw his testosterones into an overdrive. Fascinated, he learnt all there was to learn about motorcycles.
And so, gentlemen, Hormone Motorcycles was born. A start up, which transforms your existing bike and fabricates it to the last detail. Be it your everyday city bike to the more adventurous cruiser or even the exhilarating chopper.
Hormone is a confluence of raw passion, smoking hot talent and backbreaking work. And it’s not advertising spiel. Here’s the proof. Look at the bikes designed by Hormone.
The Motorcycle in the photo named Bodhi, was built with an expense of 85,000 INR (around $1800) and as always the performance, milage should be bit less than the donor bike, Hormone say, not more than 25%.
Contact Them :
Hormone Motorcycles
9, 12th cross, Brookefields
Bangalore 37
Call Sunil Kumar : 919986986961
Mail : customise@hormonemotorcycles.com
Website : www.hormonemotorcycles.com
Photo courtesy: Hormone Motorcycles.